Past Events

Performative research presentation by artist Alice Theobald

6 June 2024, 12:00pm to 1:00pm

Performative research presentation by artist Alice Theobald exploring the ways in which we think about success and failure, our past and future aspirations and what “living your best life” really means.

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Book Launch: Laura Harrington, You Cannot Step in the Same River Twice

14 December 2023, 3:00pm to 5:00pm

As the culmination of Laura Harrington’s Visiting Artist work with Radar, this event launches the publication You Cannot Step in the Same River Twice. The publication charts Harrington’s return to a decade-old project, ‘Where are the wild ones?’, an audio-visual opera developed in collaboration with Berlin based sound artist and composer Kaffe Matthews, which explored the migration of wild salmon along the River Tyne. As part of this project, Harrington and Matthews worked with children from three schools near the banks of the River Tyne and scientists from the Environment Agency North East to weave together stories, music and scientific data. Harrington’s publication, through transcribed conversation, letters and drawings, documents this return, reflecting on the significant changes seen within the river, arts and environmental policy in a ten-year period against a backdrop of overlapping human, animal and geological time scales.

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Deep Recovery: Launch Event

25 November 2023, 10:30am to 12:00pm

We helped launch Libita Sibungu’s new work Deep Recovery at Kresen Kernow, Redruth. The launch event included an introductory talk by Geologist Dr Beth Simons and a poetic response by the artist, followed by conversation.

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Deep in The Eye and The Belly (screening)

18 October 2023, 6:00pm to 8:00pm

Screening and Panel Discussion with Sam Williams, Dr Pandora Syperek and Richard Sabin.

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Branching Out Public Workshop with Felix Loftus

13 May 2023, 1:00pm to 4:00pm

What do trees mean to you? This workshop is a chance to learn about the stories of the trees in Milton Keynes, and contribute creatively to a new set of stories through photography and creative writing tasks. The workshop will start with a sound walk informed by the research of the Branching Out team from the Open University and Loughborough University.

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Watch Sophie Hoyle's 'Flex'

20 January 2023 to
31 January

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