Revital Cohen

louise landscape 4

(Photo credit: Revital Cohen)

Butterflies Flying in Formation

Butterflies Flying in Formation investigated the psychology of the elite athlete, the mind-body connection, and the overcoming of phobias associated with high-level competition. Inspired by the research of and drawing on conversations with Dr David Fletcher - who explores performance excellence in sport and beyond - and on samurai armour, it speculatively proposed a new technology for conditioning mental states. This 'training tool' choreographs the body into conditioning the mind. It is to be worn whilst adopting the 'scorpion' yoga pose, which clears the mind and controls the stomach's nerves, triggering mirror neurons in the brain, which mentally rehearses the next move to be made.

Revital Cohen is a designer who develops critical objects and provocative scenarios, exploring the juxtaposition of the natural with the artificial. Her work spans across various mediums and includes collaborations with scientists, bioethicists and animal breeders. 


Human Condition/ing

An exploration of the psychology and embodiment behind the sporting drive to 'improve' the human body. Read more